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Professor Zhiguo Yuan Awarded 2017 Australian Laureate Fellowship!

Congratulations to IWES Presenter and Advanced Water Management Centre (AWMC) Director, Professor Zhiguo Yuan who was recently awarded a 2017 Australian Laureate Fellowship! View his 2017 Laureate profile here.

The Australian Laureate Fellowships scheme reflects the Commonwealth’s commitment to support excellence in research by attracting world-class researchers and research leaders to key positions, and creating new rewards and incentives for the application of their talents in Australia.

Zhiguo produces innovative solutions for urban water management through effective integration of fundamental science and applied engineering. His research has delivered substantial savings to the Australian water industry and his research achievements have been acknowledged through awards, such as the 2015 Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering (ATSE) Clunies Award and the International Water Association 2014 Global Project Innovation Award in Applied Research. Professor Yuan was also named as one of Engineer Australia’s Top 100 Most Influential Engineers for 2015 and is an ATSE Fellow. Find out more about Zhiguo here.

Zhiguo will be co-presenting the Corrosion and Odour Management in Sewers course at IWES Gold Coast, from 10-14 July 2017. Register here to secure a place on his course.

Well done Zhiguo!