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Corrosion and Odour Management in Sewers

The aim of this 18hr course is firstly to teach the key science and engineering principles under-pinning sewer processes, and secondly to use this knowledge to understand and manage key issues like corrosion, odour and greenhouse gas emissions.

The course presents; outcomes from a $20 million ARC Linkage Project on odour and corrosion, the SCORe Project; and other essential information and proven technologies for the cost-effective management of sewer odour and corrosion. Both liquid and vapor phase technologies will be covered. The effectiveness and limitations of each technology will be assessed through the use of case studies and fundamental knowledge of the in-sewer biotransformation processes.

This is a practical course, and includes several real case studies of successful sewer management approaches.

Issues addressed


  • In-sewer physical, chemical and biological processes
  • Microbial processes leading to production of hydrogen sulfide, methane and other hazardous compounds
  • New challenges under climate change conditions: reduced sewer flow and increased concentrations of pollutants
  • Odour generation
  • Gas/liquid mass transfer of volatile compounds
  • Workshop 1: Prediction of hydrogen sulfide production


  • Modeling sulfide production and emission from sewers
  • Modeling methane production and emission
  • Chemical dosing for emission control in sewers – e.g. oxidants, ferric chloride, lime, caustic and nitrite
  • Workshop 2: Design of chemical dosing for hydrogen sulfide control
  • Corrosion in sewers
  • Odour and odorant identification and measurement


  • Ventilation in sewers including design and operating principles
  • Overview of air phase treatment technologies and emerging technologies
  • Workshop 3: Design of a biological filter
  • Odour control planning
  • Benefits of public outreach approach
  • Quantifying odour impacts
  • Liquid and gas phase measurement using on-line sensors
  • How public outreach and innovations can fit together
  • Odour assessment and control innovations
  • Master planning

What do you get

  • Access to world leading researchers and practitioners
  • Downloadable copies of the course notes will be provided
  • Real case studies
  • Real field data and exercises
  • Exposure to world-leading sewer models
  • 18 CPD hours

Who should attend

  • Engineers and managers involved in the design and operation of sewer systems
  • Local governmental officers
  • Consulting engineers providing service on corrosion and odour management in sewers
  • Regulatory agency officers
  • Researchers

This course is not currently scheduled for a future event